Tuesday, July 27, 2010


宝贝, 有没有跌到那里, 哎哟, 流血了叻, 心痛咯… 带你去看医生, 不然伤口会发炎啊.. 可大可小呢! (火箭飞快式, 使用九牛二虎之力, 尽全力助我一把, 就算跌也宁愿两个一起受伤)

做么你酱不小心的? 起来起来! 一点点的啦! (不但没有过问, 还夹带着责备的语气,好像我要故意跌倒酱)


没关系啦.. 地球是圆的, 走多一小段路程而已, 迟一点到达目的地.. 那更好! 二人世界的时间比较久嘛.. (蜜蜜当中,恨不得时间停留在那)

不会就不要讲会啦! 明明不会一直讲会! 走错路了还不承认! (全程的脸还黑过包青天, 就算逗他笑,笑也不笑)


宝贝,怎么啦? 很想念我叻? 我也是很想念你.. 我刚要拨电话给你,你就拨电给我.. 哗! 我们心灵相通叻! 我等下再打给你好不好, 要做生意.. 我晚上来找宝贝啊? (就算三更半夜, 也驾着跑马来找我)

啊! 有客人打来! 不得空不得空! (再拨多几次, 语气就beh song)


我们去gaigai咯.. 很久没有陪宝贝一起.. 每天只是做工做工.. 我想看两套戏, 宝贝,可以吗? 我选一套, 你选一套.. 有什么东西要买吗? 你想吃什么, 我陪你吃.. (上山下海, 哪里都去, 只要我开心)

可以不要出吗? 在家睡觉看戏不是更好! 又不用浪费钱! 我要去One Utama, 不要去那边啦, 酱鬼死远, 近近Time Square啦.. 我要吃龙的传人, 他要吃 Secret Recipe.. (唱反调了,我讲一, 他讲二,多多意见了)


呜, 我不要吃, 除非, 最多一条啊.. 小条的罢了啊!

不要一直我吃我不喜欢吃的东西, 可不可以? 你懂我会呕的吗? 你是不是要我呕?


Wah! 很美哦! 几时穿给我看? 我的宝贝真眼光..

省一点钱啦! 整个衣橱塞都塞不到了.. 衣服多到可以穿几年了..试衣服给他看, 等下先啦, 看完电视先.. 了又拖, 就不当一回事了..


着我的, 先看左再看右, 确定安全了一起走..

不要说拉下我的小手, 连他的影子追都追不上, 做么你走路酱慢的?


一定要拿雨伞, 不然淋坏我的宝贝.. (拿着一把小小雨伞, 两人在雨中漫步, 有多浪漫, 羡慕死人)

! 跑快点啊! 下那一点点雨, 用什么雨伞啦? 跑几步就到了咯..


宝贝啊, 不要发脾气啦.. 疼回啦.. muacksss.. 宝贝念快快, 木啊木啊木啊.. 哦.. 宝贝不生气了啊..

什么脾气? !!! 一丁儿小事是都要吵啊? (明明是他自己无理取闹, 踩到我的狐狸尾巴, 自己惹事生非, 我才不爽!)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Girls, do u know ironing your clothes neatly especially with the lace one? Put your stuffs in order? Tidy up your room? Straighten your own affairs? Tee OH OH. I won't but do once in a year for the purpose of preparing for the Chinese New Year. A girl should tidy, neatly, gorgeous grooming, caring face, reserved, cultured and educated, said by Mami. I love shop a lot, but please, not to pack. @_@

Can u guys guess what is it? No hints. =)

Answer: This is one of the sleeve of my blouse.

Suck?!! This was what i made. Terrible? The night before i went out working, i ironed my clothes. I worked for the Archidex Exhition 2010 at KL Convention Centre. Suddenly, this suck happen! Ku punya baju dah hangus!!! I shouted loudly at Mami.. She came out from room and just laugh at me. What response shall I? I call my boy and he told me please give some tuition fee and learn from kakak. Huh.

I went to see dentist last week. And again, suck?! I feel damn embarassed when facing the dentist. I didn't even step into dentist clinic since I'm six years old. Things are happened what i propose.
My boy sneers at me, if teeth belongs in part of our body, then my teeth are suffering cancel. My gingivals are totally damage and one third of my teeth are decayed. U guys sure can't imagine how many decayed tooth do I. It is a lot but under what I expect. Twice teeth scaling and filling all the decayed teeth, the whole huge project gotta cost my boy almost 1k. FML. How pity my boy. I scare to "visit" all doctors. Doctors are devils. Clinics are haunted house. Medicine is toxic.

And again, i lost my house key today o(╥﹏╥)o. Get scold 99 by mami. What an unlucky day.
My working days
what i did in past few weeks

26th June 2010

we are "playing" flash mob in One Utama shopping complex, however, actually, we are working for the new lauching cheezel biskitz.

Four singers sing from 3rd floor using the escalator up to the GSC Cinema. We act don't know what is happen at first then just follow what the singers do, pull the clowd to join us and stop in front of a cheezel box. Our three lovely friends break out the cheezel box then, we cheer and start giving out cheezel biskitz samples to the clowd in limited time and here we dismiss.

The only skill we need is sing and dance. This flash mob happened within 30 minutes. The most excited for me is we paid cash on the spot! What an easy job. =)

1st-4th July 2010

ARCHIDEX Exhibition 2010

we work for Rentak Hiasan Sdn. Bhd. Our job scope is promoting Taraflex sport flooring in which under a France company, Gerflor. And, of course, whole product import from France. Our company participated in various international games such as the latest one is Beijing Olympic 2008. Our core product is made from 100% pure PVC and it is the No.1 in indoor sport flooring.

monicababe and evelin

Y.K Tan--the guy who work with me in those four days
Such an old uncle.. haha xp but always does not admit that he is old, keep "blowing water" he still remains 24 years old every year

the girl, ju yi and the guy who work opposite to my booth
when girls hang together, what will be? Of course, ought to gossip......ke po......