Sunday, August 21, 2011

Monica's Birthday on Ekka Exhibition

Hello, how are you today? Monica is having an awesome, cheerful and special birthday in Brisbane even though
NO Dear
NO Family and relatives
NO Secret Recipe cake
NO Swarovski pendant
NO Anna Sui perfume
NO Handbag
NO Earings
NO Pretty dress
However, I do have
YES My friends: Evelin, Hew Thong, Helen Lin
YES BEIJING Roasted Duck
YES Strawberry & Marsh mallows with Chocolate skewer
YES Footlog Dacwood Dog
YES Eight minutes of Firework
YES Ekka exhibition
YES Animals: Cows, Sheep, Chicks, Chickens, Doggies, Hourses
YES Birthday in winter

We head to Fortitude Valley to having our brunch in my pointed restaurant-- "食为先". It's a Chinese restaurant, I'm craving for this restaurant since the yumminess of BeiJing Roasted Duck. We order a fried duck rice and "Gai Lai" vege besides the roasted duck. The price quotation over there is not really reasonable, however such is not an obstruction for my next visit. It's one of my recommended Chinese restaurant in Brisbane. After that, we head to Ekka exhibition by taking train.

From my own understanding, Ekka is similar to the Harvest Festival that held in China last decades ago. In China, people celebrate, sing, dance and having a large banquet on the harvest day especially there is a good harvest.

Ekka is the annual agricultural and industrial show of Queensland. Its formal title is the Royal Queensland Show, but people used to call it as Ekka. Ekka is a unique and significant Queensland event which unites city and country to form a part of the state's heritage and culture. Hereby, it holds a public holiday on the seventh show day which is known as "People's Day". People's Day is usually on the second Wednesday of August except when there are five Wednesdays in August, then it is held on the third Wednesday. It’s one of the exhibitions that cannot to be missed. The entrance ticket for concession is $19, and I’m sure it’s worth and valuable.

And of course, the amazing show and the fireworks not only impressed me the most and even enlighten my whole day. 1st part, few 大只佬 chop the logs, the fastest chopping down the log, the winner. I feel a bit bored in this session. 2nd part, 2 teams(Queensland Vs. New South Wales) joining baton game, this session different from usual that we saw, two rider riding on a horse, stick transferred by rider in a relay race. The following session is 4 international professional drivers drift with HILUX V6 car. 4th part turns monster truck smashes 3 K cars, motor show and the fireworks officially ends the 2011 Ekka exhibition.

Share some of my "valuable" photos to you guys. Here you go. =)MyEm0.Com

Hew Thong & Helen Lin & Evelin Loh

Monster Truck

Drooling! Drooling Drooling! Unable to say NO to My mua love: strawberries & marsh mallows with chocolate skewer

Dacwood dog (Footlog hotdog)

cute chicks
People are queuing up to touch and gently stroke the chicks, but I'm not dare... Geliii, arghhh!

I enter the "farm" and act as so friendly to animals, I have no choice. I wish to capture some photo and actually i scare all these animals. Waaaaa- wa- wa!MyEm0.Com

Lazy sleepy doggie

Guys, don't misunderstand, it's a cake in turkey-shaped not a turkey.

Kids'and youngsters' fun place: Fun Fair

A fake guy vomiting toxicMyEm0.Com

My childhood

Being lazy to upload, load and wait the photos. More photos showing in my Facebook album =p

I'm feeling lucky, the ever first time enjoying fireworks on MY BIRTHDAY! Fireworks is a kind of mascot, and I believe it brings luck to me. Yeah! Tee-Hee-Hee

The amazing show:

Monster truck smashes Kcars

Fantastic fireworks

Hilux V6 Heroes

Monica turns


At last, wanna thanks June Dear for your Birthday cake and Birthday song...MyEm0.Com I'm coming back soon to claim my present... Waiting for meMyEm0.Com

Before I end, here is an advertisement regarding a company which dealing with second-hand
jdm cars spare parts, halfcut, engine, gearbox and accessories which are imported from Japan. Toyota, Honda, Mitsubishi are the main stocks it has.

100% genuine!

Location: 19-21, Jalan Petaling Utama 1 Petaling Utama, Batu 7, Jalan Kelang Lama, 46000 Selangor, Malaysia.

Main profile
If you're interested, please add Fong Seng Autoparts Sdn. Bhd.

Don't hesitate to click like >>> Fong Seng

A E I O U... DO RE MI FA SO LA TI DO... See you again :D MyEm0.Com

Monday, May 2, 2011

With You vs. Without You

28th April 2011
With YOU


With you, I feel warm.
Without you, I feel lonely.


2nd May 2011
When YOU are leaving


Friday, April 15, 2011


对于一个二十多岁的女生,本来就应该开始慢慢挑选一片森林里的一棵树,不要觉得你还有很多时间,可以玩玩puppy love。我告诉你,你没有,女人黄金时段为20-30岁;男人黄金时段30-40岁。因此,选的男朋友就必须在你心中的好老公的必备条件里,因为他可能就是陪你渡过下半辈子的男人---你的老公。



  • 何谓你?你?
  • 何谓保护你?
  • 何谓专情与你?

  • 何谓珍惜

  • 何谓不分等级?

  • 你不是每天都出夜街,哪天出一次夜街就对你破口大骂的男朋友不要的!五六点,就赶你回来不然乱发脾气的男朋友不要的!就算迟一点回家,他应该提醒你不要一个人酱夜回家,要小心照顾自己。你有你自己的朋友,他也有他自己的朋友,不让你参你的朋友,无时无刻一定要参他的朋友,一定要你出现在他的视线范围内的男朋友不要的!

  • 要记得你是他的女朋友,不是他的老婆。要记得你是女生,不要随波逐流,女生的矜持永远都是无价的。你的第一次只能献给你的老公,不是你的男朋友。要记得床前男生会棒你棒到仙,床后他就是一条虫。男人时常都只会说,一次罢了,身为有智慧的女人千万别相信,因为有第一次一定有第二次,第三次。。。很多次过后就变成日常习惯。如果把你最重要的东西给了男朋友,你可有想过你对得起你以后的老公吗?对得起生你的父母吗?你能如何确定你的男朋友就是你的老公?你要懂得说!永远记得你是女生,不要自以为觉得你的男朋友很疼你很爱你,就献身了给他,谁是好男人,你不知道,只有在老年时候,你才有能力去分辨谁是好男人。

  • 何谓尊重你?

  • 何谓不盲目

  • 他应该好好解释什么是对什么是错,不要总以为自己做什么都是错,他做的什么都是对,你的自信心去了那里?不能因为他而改变你自己。你的自我在哪?

  • 男人天生本来就应该大方一点。男生为了要泡女,无论精神上还是金钱上都可以不顾一切为你送上,要知道他的目的只有一个:要泡你!泡成功了,却跟你计较送了什么东西给你,花了多少钱在你身上的男生不要的!你要知道没有人要他酱不顾一切地把一切送上,全都是他自愿的。不要傻傻自以为对咯,你真的用了他不少钱,你的念头应该是他心甘情愿的!因为没有人叫他泡你,没有人叫他那么傻不顾一切地送上。

  • 何谓付出

  • 不要因为他很英俊,他很有钱;英俊不英俊不是关键,爱你不爱你才是重点;他很有钱,你要什么都能买给你,那又能怎样?他只能金钱上满足你。

  • 不能觉得他什么都是对的,处处忍让他。为什么一定要你让他,他就不能让下你吗?当你的男朋友时都要你处处忍让,那接下来的日子呢?你可否忍让他一辈子?你确定吗?不要以为你的世界没有了他就只剩下黑和白,“天底下是没有谁没了谁是不能的”,时间可以变淡一切!不要以为什么事情忍一忍就过,一点小事情,日久积累,都会变成大事情。离婚人士常都说,就是以前忍忍忍,觉得自己没了他就活不下去,结果日子久了,没办法再忍下去,最后离婚收场。
  • 当男人知道你爱他比他爱你多,他就会觉得很嚣张,自以为事。女生要低调点


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Monday, March 28, 2011

8th anniversary

To: Dear JuneMyEm0.Com

Our 8th anniversary is just around the corner. It is on 3rd April which falls on this Sunday. First and fore, I'm apologized here that I'm not be with you. I can't celebrate our "big day" together with you.

Our story

We know each other since I'm 14 years old. Our faith comes from a basketball match. I bet , if the basketball match win, then I'll be with you and vice versa. And of course, I know the match will definitely win. I'm a "defensive investor", I won't take extra risk to compensate my return. Lol.

At the time H1N1 is severely spread worldwide, and in coincidence, you fall sick after came back from Japan. Doctor suspected that you may infect H1N1 and have to immediately send to hospital for isolation and observation. During the one week time, you can not cantact with any other people excluding your parents. I rush to hospital to visit you every day but the nurse blocked me to do so. I cryMyEm0.Com like a bitch and keep retorting you are only suspected but not confirmed. I don't care whether I may infect H1N1 as well and I just want to visit you. Finally, the nurse allowed me to chat with you for only 3 minutes.

I'm happy the day being with you but I hate you when you have to go Japan. And now, my turn to leave you alone and I went to Aus. I'm sorry about that. I have to get a better grade for my studies. We have to work hard to achieve our goal during this one year time. What you need to do is try your best to earn as much as you can to get a better future life and for me, I will try my best to get flying colour results. Gambateh! MyEm0.Com

『Puppy love will not be longer』

And, we prove It's FEASIBLE!

『Distance love will not be longer』

And, we're going to prove you guys, IT WORKS!

I'm an emo chick and hot temper. I'm easily get crazy and mad like a bitch even because of some litle things. You are the one who always forgive and tolerant me. Thanks for your forgiveness and tolerance. I'm always appreciate it! Thanks for being together with me for the eight years. Thanks for your love.MyEm0.Com

Your dear,

Saturday, March 19, 2011


I hate Korean dishes especially Kimchi. I mean it! I hate those foods taste spicy MyEm0.Com and sour at the same time. I feel that it is totally not match and it is weird. I stepped in few Korean restaurants in KL but those are not delicious at all. Maybe it is my problem as I didn't find out a place with nice Korean food. Lalala~

However, I went to a Korean restaurant "MadTongSan" in Australia last week. It offers a great variety of Korea specialties and the point is all foods are delicious and tasty! Since I stepped in it, I change my mind. The heavy smell is damn great and it's totally make me drooling, seriously! It is quite a famous restaurant and so, we wait for about 1 hour to get our turn.

Korean cuisine is largely based on rice, tofu (dubu in Korean), vegetables and meats. And of course Kimchi is usually served at every meal. We ordered 2 soups, 2 main courses, yakiniku and 3 side dishes(salad, sweet potato and kimchi) to serve our eight "hungry" person. =D

MadTongSan's atmosphere

This restaurant is actually not so big but fit at least 50 customers

The kitshen is just behind the bar

I will visit YOU again and again. The best restaurant that served me well in Aus. It deserves me.❤

Oyster soup
steam-cooked rice

Kimchi Vege Tofu Soup


I uploaded this photo twice but still don't know why it rotated clockwise after uploaded.

my Dear's favourite--Yakiniku

"Siu yok" & bacon mix with kimchi



Morning day @19th March

Today is a rainny Saturday. Wake up at 7am in the early morning and prepare to go to wet market at West-end to get some fresh fishes, fruits and veges. Intend to awake June after I woke up, but mission failed! His there is 2 hours earlier then my here, he is still in warm bed.
Raining is not a matter for Australian, the wet market is still pack and crowded.

Having "BIG BREAKFAST" at the mini station

Do you need some drinks?

Big breakfast set $14.50

Toast, scrambled egg, bacon, sausage, mushroom, tomato and spinach
It can serve two person but only serve ONE Ah Mo here. Ah Mo are in bigger size.

It tastes normal and a bit expensive here. $10++ for a breakfast is a bit higher price in such kampung place. For the same price, I can reserve a breakfast in the city.

wet market at West-end

I have not stepped into wet market in KL since tons of years ago. In order to get fresh and cheaper, I have no choice.

I bought bananas in wet market. It's much more longer in length and bigger in size.

$4.99/kg [2 bananas $3]

I can get few bunches of bananas not only TWO for $3(RM9) in Kl. All Asian fruits are ultimately costly here as in like banana, pineapple and papaya. I can't even saw durian here.