NO Dear
NO Family and relatives
NO Secret Recipe cake
NO Swarovski pendant
NO Anna Sui perfume
NO Handbag
NO Earings
NO Pretty dress
YES My friends: Evelin, Hew Thong, Helen Lin
YES BEIJING Roasted Duck
YES Strawberry & Marsh mallows with Chocolate skewer
YES Footlog Dacwood Dog
YES Eight minutes of Firework
YES Ekka exhibition
YES Animals: Cows, Sheep, Chicks, Chickens, Doggies, Hourses
YES Birthday in winter
We head to Fortitude Valley to having our brunch in my pointed restaurant-- "食为先". It's a Chinese restaurant, I'm craving for this restaurant since the yumminess of BeiJing Roasted Duck. We order a fried duck rice and "Gai Lai" vege besides the roasted duck. The price quotation over there is not really reasonable, however such is not an obstruction for my next visit. It's one of my recommended Chinese restaurant in Brisbane. After that, we head to Ekka exhibition by taking train.
From my own understanding, Ekka is similar to the Harvest Festival that held in China last decades ago. In China, people celebrate, sing, dance and having a large banquet on the harvest day especially there is a good harvest.
Ekka is the annual agricultural and industrial show of Queensland. Its formal title is the Royal Queensland Show, but people used to call it as Ekka. Ekka is a unique and significant Queensland event which unites city and country to form a part of the state's heritage and culture. Hereby, it holds a public holiday on the seventh show day which is known as "People's Day". People's Day is usually on the second Wednesday of August except when there are five Wednesdays in August, then it is held on the third Wednesday. It’s one of the exhibitions that cannot to be missed. The entrance ticket for concession is $19, and I’m sure it’s worth and valuable.
And of course, the amazing show and the fireworks not only impressed me the most and even enlighten my whole day. 1st part, few 大只佬 chop the logs, the fastest chopping down the log, the winner. I feel a bit bored in this session. 2nd part, 2 teams(Queensland Vs. New South Wales) joining baton game, this session different from usual that we saw, two rider riding on a horse, stick transferred by rider in a relay race. The following session is 4 international professional drivers drift with HILUX V6 car. 4th part turns monster truck smashes 3 K cars, motor show and the fireworks officially ends the 2011 Ekka exhibition.
Share some of my "valuable" photos to you guys. Here you go. =)

Drooling! Drooling Drooling! Unable to say NO to My mua love: strawberries & marsh mallows with chocolate skewer
People are queuing up to touch and gently stroke the chicks, but I'm not dare... Geliii, arghhh!

A fake guy vomiting toxic

My childhood
Being lazy to upload, load and wait the photos. More photos showing in my Facebook album =p
I'm feeling lucky, the ever first time enjoying fireworks on MY BIRTHDAY! Fireworks is a kind of mascot, and I believe it brings luck to me. Yeah! Tee-Hee-Hee
Fantastic fireworks
Hilux V6 Heroes
Monica turns

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