last night, when i was saying to him, dont know what the hell he saw... he didnt even pay any attention on my words... sigh!!! i asked him what am i saying, he replied me "sorry, dear... i didnt listen on you... i was thinking any good plans on xmas eve..." huh... still want to bluff... you are thinking others... huh huh huh
the second thing
these few weeks, what i said.. you sure have many "opinions"... i want go to Pavillion for watching the snowing at the night... then you said that snowing will damage our health because it made from soap bubbles and gonna having dinner with family at that time... i want go Singapore for celebrating my xmas eve... then you said we will be going to johor with lenglui and friends on 28th december, dont waste $$$ and the currency exchange rate is high... $$$ can even use as an excuse.. so much objection!!! objection!!! objection!!! really hard to understand you sometimes...
i went to connaught pasar malam with him... walaoooo... damn angry... he keeps kap lui... actually when some pretty girls pass by, i will ask him to see...but this time, huh!!! while the girl is in front of him, he kap her with spending lots of time and then she passed by, he again turns his head to back and kap again... fortunately, he didnt drool at all.. should i be happy of this? = = girls, if your dear act like that, what response do you have? in my mind, kap lui... what for??? at that moment, i just keep my angriness inside my heart... i act like nothing... because after finished kap, he asked me "why girls nowadays wear like this? look ugly laa.." actually i feel that that girl is pretty... just admit that you kap is okay what.. what for saying those bullshit to me? huh.. i will feel angry because YOU ARE MY DEAR.. plus liter bit jealous.. liter bit only laa.. kap lui is okay for me.. but can you dont kap like that???
it seems being normal that boys with rude actions and rude words but girls are not encouraging to act that... who said one??? not only human being, even the animals would show oOo to give vent to its angriness... can i? huh.. after saw this pic which downloaded from google *wink wink wink finally, i have a smileeeeeeee =)

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